
2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration

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Kindergarten Registration opens February 1, 2023.

The following programs will be offered:

  • Full Day Monday/Wednesday and Alt. Fridays
  • Full Day Tuesday/Thursday and Alt. Fridays
  • Full Day Tuesday/Thursday and Alt. *Nature Kindergarten Fridays

*There will be additional fees for the Nature Kindergarten program

Some Frequently asked Questions:

How old does my child have to be to start Kindergarten?

To register for Kindergarten in the 2023-2024 school year, your child must be five years old on or before December 31, 2023.

What is the cost to put my child in Kindergarten?

Fees: TBD 

Note: Additional Fees will be applied to the Nature Kindergarten program as well as the all day, every day Kindergarten

Where are the forms to register online for EICS Kindergarten Programs?

To register for Kindergarten, please create an account on School Engage and log into the following portal:

Student Registration

Where do I get information about Transportation?

For all forms and requests for busing, please visit the EICS Transportation page at

View a Virtual "Day in the Life of a Kindergartner" at St. Pat's!

Nature Kindergarten

This early years enrichment opportunity will allow children to spend the vast majority of their day outside engaged in meaningful ways with their body, mind and spirit while located in a natural setting. Working as a group of explorers, nature-based kindergarten children will be self-directed through their own curiosity and play. Using multiple natural learning environments, children will develop confidence in their own abilities to investigate and to collaborate outdoors. Children will be physically active and engaged in movement skills that will facilitate their balance, stamina, and strength. 

Through Nature Kindergarten, our intention is to connect children to nature, thereby fostering rich learning experiences, ecological literacy, and healthy living. With the role-modeling and nurture of wise and skilled educators who understand the power of play and child-directed learning, children can grow in resilience and compassion to contribute positively to a more sustainable world.

Our program is planned and implemented by Mrs. Nola Bellamy. She is trained as a nature school practitioner from the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada.